Maximum Potential Calisthenics
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Bar Muscleup Progress

When I first began training Convict Conditioning in the park, I would see the odd advanced calisthenics athlete performing muscleups on the bar. I remember adding it to my to do list but realised that my pullups would need to vastly improve before training for it. Advance over a year later and my pullups were […]

Muscleup, Ring Muscleup and Handstand Pushups Training Plan

I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago detailing my new training plan which I have been using for a few months now. I’d like to follow that up by writing down some of the training plans that my bootcampers and I follow. I’ll start with my Tuesday training plan which is the Muscleup, Ring muscleup […]

Bar Muscleup with Video

Just a quick update today, I said last week that I’d managed to do a bar muscleup for the first time, well I took a video today. Am fairly pleased with the form, just need to build up the reps now.


Had a very good training day today! After a year and a half of calisthenics training I finally managed a bar muscleup. I’ve been getting pretty close, with my chest to the bar but then today everything fell into place properly, making sure I leaned forward over the bar and the next thing I know […]

Muscleup Training

In my Thursday session, after we’ve done 2 rounds of Convict Conditioning we do some exercises to try and help get us to be able to do muscleups. This has included partner assisted muscleups, jumping muscleups, kipping pullups and straight dips. Andres managed to do the muscle up a couple of months ago but Ronan […]