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Ten Calisthenics Channels Worth Subscribing

In no particular order here are 10 channels worth subscribing to. Let me know what you think in the comments section and list any that I may have missed here.

Al and Danny Kavadlo

What more can I say about these two brothers, I met them at the PCC and they are both down to earth humble guys; they also happen to both be great at calisthenics. Al has a regular QA video as well as tonnes of tutorials. Danny is not as active on YouTube as his brother but he has some really useful tutorials on there too.

Brendon Myers

In many ways Brendon Myers has the kind of channel I’d like to evolve my own towards, though with obviously my own flavour in there. Like myself he used to be a skinny kid, and grew strong through calisthenics only, though he is a long way further into his calisthenics journey than myself.

Ido Portal

Ido Portal could possibly described as the king of movement. Utilising a mixture of Yoga techniques and back to basics movement, he has built a very strong, yet lean body. Many of the exercises in my Movement Circuits are inspired by this guy.

Francesco Vaccaro

Another one who has built his strength around yoga and calisthenics, of particular interest are his arm balancing and Convict Conditioning tutorials.

Hannibal For King

Probably one of the first calisthenics guys I found on YouTube, he’s featured in many other channels and has some really inspiring videos.

Beast Skills

Jim Bathurst or the model from Convict Conditioning, whilst he doesn’t post as much as he used to as he has a few other projects now, some of his older stuff is unmissable.

Frank Medrano

Probably the most famous calisthenics guy on YouTube, his videos have been watched millions of times. Whilst being a rather small guy, he has absolutely insane strength, makes a slow one arm pull-up look like a walk in the park.


Full of excellent tutorials on all things yoga, of particular interest for me are some of her handstand tutorials.

Matthew Shoffner

Whilst not strictly just a calisthenics athlete, he is the only person on YouTube who has a video of a one arm handstand push-up. I would say Matthew pound for pound is probably one of the strongest guys on YouTube.

Girya Girl Fitness

Adrienne Harvey, PCC Team Leader; she has al-sorts of interesting videos, from recipes to inspiring exercise videos.

Dave Mace

Yes I know this is now 11 but I couldn’t finish this post without giving my own aspiring channel a little plug. Featuring a Monthly Highlights videos, which shows exercises from different athletes all at a range of different progression levels and my Movement Circuit videos. Don’t forget to subscribe whilst you’re there.

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