Maximum Potential Calisthenics
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Clutch Flag, Leg Raises and a new Circuit

On Friday I made good progress with both the Clutch Flag and Hanging V-Raises. I managed to hold an almost horizontal clutch flag for a couple of seconds both sides, will get a video up in the next few weeks. With my Hanging V-Raises I also managed to touch the bar with my feet for the first time with a couple of the reps.

As a finisher in my Friday session, we do a mini circuit which I rotate every 4 weeks. This Friday we started a new set, this involved the following:

10 x Parallel Bar Swings
Lunge Walk (or curtsy lunge for increased difficulty) to the next station.
5 x Pullups (or negatives)
Frog jumps to the next station
10 x jumping over a bar and then squatting under it.
Forward roll (or handstand forward roll with handstand walks) back to the second station
5 x Pullups (or negatives)
Backwards Lunge Walk back to the first station.

This was a nice little circuit, am trying to put some more different movements in there to work the body in different ways, taking a little inspiration from MovNat and a couple of exercises I did with my personal trainer.

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